
viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

No al racismo

Este conflicto no solo afecta a la política sino también a la sociedad. 

Cuatro extranjeros han sido asesinados en Kiev en lo que va de año debido al color de su piel, según un nuevo informe de Amnistía Internacional.

La mayoría de las víctimas eran de origen africano o asiático. También persisten los prejuicios y los ataques violentos contra personas judías. 

A pesar de los ataques racistas, las autoridades son reacias a reconocer el problema de la intolerancia y la discriminación racial en la sociedad ucraniana. Muchas veces, la policía no ha respondido con la diligencia necesaria a las peticiones de ayuda de las víctimas de estos ataques. Otras veces, se ha negado a tomar medidas. Cuando se detiene a los autores de ataques racistas, se los califica de "vándalos".

This conflict doesn't only affect to politics but also to society.

From the start of the year four people have been murder in Kiev due to their skin colour.

Most of the victims were from Asia or Africa. There are also violent attacks against Judish people. 

Although this is happening,  the police department doesn't recognise the problem and doesn't act properly to help the victims. 


Este video lo hemos hecho nosotros para  explicaros lo que está ocurriendo.
This video has been made by us to let you know what is happening.

The translation of the video: 
What had happened in Ukraine? In less than 3 day nearly 86 people have died at the central square of Kiev and the vicinity. Is this a battle between Rusia and Occident? In the Ukranian conflict there are disputes in very different ways: 

  •  between Rusia and Occident because they want influence in Ukraine. 
  • between Yanoukovich and the opposition for the country's control.
  • between the politicians and the citizens who don't feel represented by the government or the opposition
  • between right-wing nationalist groups and the Rusian population from the east part of the country and the autonomous region of Crimea.
Kill someone for defend our beliefs is kill our human coexistance. If you attack someone you are attacking yourself .
To have will is the first condition to reach peace.